The Museum

The Charmey Museum offers a contemporary view of the regional heritage as well as of contemporary, regional and supra-regional artistic expression.

Its favourite materials are wood, ceramic and paper.

A permanent space offers an immersion in the Chartreuse de la Valsainte, a famous monastery located on the heights of Cerniat.

The Charmey Museum is best known for its International Paper Triennial, which has been held since 1993.

History and collections

The building The Charmey Museum is housed in the former Platzhaus of the neighbouring village of Bellegarde (Jaun). Built in the 17th century, this building is one of the few survivors of the fire that engulfed the village in 1711. In 1982, the house was dismantled to make way for new premises. This decision provoked strong reactions. The trustee of Bellegarde, Beat Schuwey, …

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Viviane Fontaine International Paper Triennial

The International Paper Triennial, an exhibition competition co-founded by the Musée de Charmey and artist Viviane Fontaine in 1993, showcases the incredibly diverse landscape of contemporary paper art. Over the competition’s 30-year history, the Musée de Charmey has had the privilege of hosting and exhibiting 520 artists from 40 countries.

The Triennial is open to all artists who work with paper. …

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Friends of the Museum

When you become a Friend of the Museum, you are not only joining a vibrant cultural community, you are helping to support regional and supra-regional artists and art, too.
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Collections et Expositions

Pauline Goetschmann | Conservatrice

Flaviano Salzani | Technicien de musée


Tania Trindade de Sousa


Accueil du public

Antoinette Bourquenoud

Théo Charrière

Ellyne Clément

Lucie Droux

Emeline Oberson

Marine Beaud

Fondation du Musée de Charmey

La fondation a été créée en 1988, avec pour objectif principal la gestion et l’administration des biens de la fondation et d’un Musée régional à Charmey. Elle ne poursuit pas de but lucratif ou commercial.

Elle a pour mission la protection et la valorisation du patrimoine régional et de l’expressivité artistique contemporaine régionale et suprarégionale en développant les pédagogies culturelles pour tous les publics.

Conseil de Fondation

Francis Antoine Niquille | Président

Françoise Rauber | Vice-présidente

Pauline Goetschmann | Conservatrice

Gabriella Richoz | Présidente des Amis du Musée

Aline Venetz

Pierre-Philippe Bugnard

Jean Rime

Philippe Clerc


Comité de direction

Francis Antoine Niquille | Président

Françoise Rauber | Vice-présidente